Feel free to suggest new and existing challenges. In order to do so visit the contact page.
Feel free to suggest new and existing challenges. In order to do so visit the contact page.
I’m happy to see you here. My blog used to be a mere link collection so far and for a long time nothing new has happened.
The link collection you have here to find me on any place on which you want to reach out to me. Mostly it’s Twitter, where I do rant alot (in german).
I also have an art account (@arilurps) which is the place where I load most of my sketches and other stuff onto.
I love drawing and writing and that’s what my whole world revolves around. The spoken and written languages I use are german and english.
Currently here’s not much to find but hopefully in near future you will find some useful tutorials here.
Feel free to join my Discord server where you will be able to be most up to date on all my works.